Monday, November 9, 2009

ONE down, THREE to go!

Hell yeah baby! I know this might sound a lil bit weird...but FINALLY exams are here!
I'm only saying that because I just can't wait to go home! :( I miss my friends and family so so much :)
MEQ down, now Resource, MCQ/SAQ and Bio to go... :) Will be done in 7 days and 12 days countdown to home sweet home :)

Thank you God for blessing me and being with my in my exam, Lord i pray that you be there for the remaining three exams. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

'Procrastination' is my middle name...

Welcome one welcome all to my first blog post!
What a great time to create a new blog - the week before my FINAL EXAMS!

This is what i call - the beautiful art of procrastination.... :)