Friday, August 20, 2010

MEDREVUE and a little bundle of joy :)

Hello there whoever is reading this!

Last weekend was possibly the most eventful weekend I've ever had, and so I thought I might just blog about it to preserve the memory if I wanted to look back on it in the future :)

Last Thursday night and Friday night was MEDREVUE! And if you're not d
oing med in Adelaide Uni or not sure what it's all about, well MedRevue is basically a play/musical which is done by the med students of Adelaide U
ni each year to raise funds for charity. The play revolves around the medschool, and we basically pay out and ridicule different groups/individuals/lecturers/faculty in our medschool on the night, and it's HILARIOUS! :D
And we also occasionally break out into songs, and dances
as well - i.e. the 'musical' side of it :p

Thursday night's performance was good, but I wouldn't say it was amazing. It dragged on a bit, and I feel sorry for the audience who had work/uni the next morning because we only finished just before midnight! I guess this was quite expected considering we had never actually done a co
mplete full dress rehearsal at the theatre with microphones and lighting before that night, so technically Thursday night was our first ever run-through! Highlight of Thursday night's performance was probably some meatballs on stage and falling...but...I am not able to give any further comments on this. :P

Friday night was a little more eventful. Ri
ght before the play, I had to go home to take my costumes, only to find that I HAD FORGOTTEN THE KEY TO MY APARTMENT and locked myself out~! I almost had an anxiety attack (I think I probably did) and had to wait for my sister to come home from dance lessons to open the door and then took my stuff and rushed to the theatre - THANK GOODNESS I made it in time!

Friday night's performances was
AMAZING. I had soo much fun, I can't describe how happy I was :) Everything went on so much sm
oother this time, and I was so relieved because all of my friends (and sister) came to watch on Friday, and they enjoyed it~! (unless they all lied to me :p)

Soon after the performance, we headed to the after-party at one of the cast member's grandparents house (the house was so cool! they even had a river/stream thingy in their backyard! NOTE TO SELF: inspiration for my future house - buy a house with a stream in the backyard). Anyways, I was just sooo exhausted after 2 nights of performance, hardly sleeping and having uni at the same time...that at this point I just wanted to just relax, have some fun, and crash once my body gave in completely. But JUST as I poured myself a drink (just before 1a.m), I got a phone call. . . from. . . my pregnant lady's husband.
------------------------------TO BE CONTINUED---------------------------

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