Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Living in a Self-Centred World

I've realized over the past few weeks that so many people in this world are so self-centred (yes, I know I should have realized this ages ago silly me!) But that is our human nature isn't it? To want the best for ourselves. But I'm not saying wanting the best for yourself is wrong or a bad thing, I mean, it's a great thing! I'm just saying, try to be mindful of others while you are. Don't step on others to get to the top, in whatever aspect this may be. Especially in terms of knowledge. When you have it, share it! When you are a part of a group, work together to make things work. Help one another, don't abuse one another. Many of my friends say "Such is life, you just gotta to do whatever it takes to get to the top, just don't care about the rest", but the part of me with a mindful conscience says "Don't be like the rest. Be kind unto others. God will see your good deeds and reward you later".

With that, I would like to end this blog post with a prayer, because I know that no human is perfect, and I too have surely been selfish before.

"Dear Father in Heaven, I thank You that You are a merciful God. You are a God of many chances. I pray that You forgive me for all the times I have been selfish, because I know that when someone is selfish unto me, it is not a pleasant feeling. Help me be more mindful of others and do unto others only as I would have done unto me. Lord, I pray that You would also help me forgive my friends who have been selfish unto me, be it knowingly or unknowingly, and I pray that You would help me be more understanding and enduring of any situations like these that may arise in the future. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen"

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