Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Is this a fruit? Can I eat it?

My grandma never fails to humor me and provide me with a source of endless joy and laughter :)

Today, she saw some potpourri sitting on the table in our house, and she picked up some of it and asked me "Is this a fruit, can I eat it?" To which I replied "No grandma, don't eat it! It's potpourri". Not understanding the term, she asked "Hmm??", I answered "Just a decoration grandma, it can't be eaten". Disappointed, she quipped "What is it decorating? If you can't eat it just throw it out lah, no use." :P

Grandma, oh grandma...lol :D

1 comment:

  1. Hahax, your gradma can definitely make my day any time of the day..
